Candidates respond to an informative survey prior to primary race for West Bend School Board.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Why are you running for the school board and what goals do you hope to achieve if you are elected?

MARQUARDT: The average taxpayer needs an advocate on the Board. We also need a fresh, open look at the 
budget - just like every business and household does; break it down to a zero baseline - determine what we need to spend and what is discretionary and, therefore, open to discussion.

WILLIAMS: District residents deserve maximum value and effectiveness from their generous support of our 
schools. If elected, I will enhance the communication and partnership between the community and our school 
district to ensure educational excellence, responsible decisions, properly maintained facilities, and independent, accountable and open/transparent Board oversight of our district.

WEIGAND: To provide an alternative to the status quo. I hope to provide a balance on the board to the current ideas of tax increases and referendums. I believe we can provide a quality education to students at an affordable price for the taxpayers. I would like to work toward reevaluating the priorities of the district.

CORAZZI**: I want to continue providing leadership to help solve challenges and hold the Administration accountable for ensuring quality education for students and efficient use of resources for taxpayers. I want to continue promoting effective communication with the community and transparency of District finances.

VAN EERDEN**: I am running for a fourth term because I am committed to public education in our community.  
As a nine-year veteran of the School Board, I plan to continue to invest in education and support strong academic programs and safe, adequate facilities while continuing to address funding issues.

RAKOWSKI: I believe I can influence the decisions of the board to meet concerns above, which are my goals to achieve.



Eagle Forum of Wisconsin/Washington County Chapter


This publication was paid for by Eagle Forum of Wisconsin - Washington County Chapter to encourage citizen involvement and participation. * No filing requirements are needed since this publication does not endorse any candidate or position. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this questionnaire under the conditions of:

1. Contacting Ginny Maziarka or Donald Fagan at


2. Copying this publication in its entirety, crediting "Eagle Forum of Wisconsin/Washington County Chapter"

NO COMMENTS will be allowed on this blog. It is for informational purposes only.

*This questionnaire/blog is in no way connected with the West Bend School District, its employees, or any school board member.

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