Candidates respond to an informative survey prior to primary race for West Bend School Board.

Friday, January 15, 2010


What is your philosophy on balancing a district budget in difficult times?

MARQUARDT: The budget simply needs to be broken down into needs and wants. "Needs" are the core 
mission, as required by state statute - "wants " are specialty/technical classes, advanced classes, 
extra-curricular activities and athletics. Class sizes and various student opportunities need to be logically 
balanced against reasonable fee and tax levels.

WILLIAMS: Be creative and diligent. Zero-based budgeting requires the district to build its budget from the 
ground up each year and scrutinize/prioritize expenses vs. simplistically adjusting (too often increasing) each 
budget item. I'd pursue all grants and contributions (e.g., business naming rights, sponsorships, etc.) that make sense and the community supports.

WEIGAND: As a businessman, I believe a balanced budget should be achieved regardless of the economic times. The question becomes, "How do we arrive at the balanced budget? Raise taxes or cut expenses?"

CORAZZI**: The board must always make near-term decisions with a longer-term perspective in mind, which has not always happened. Needs of all stakeholders (students, taxpayers and teachers) must be considered and balanced. An effective leadership team should continually look for ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of all resources.

VAN EERDEN**: I have made decisions based upon knowledge of school finance, input from stakeholders, and present and future needs of the school district.


RAKOWSKI: We need a budget that reviews all current and potential financial requirements to meet the educational needs of our students to compete in a world class environment, to be within our ability to pay.


Eagle Forum of Wisconsin/Washington County Chapter


This publication was paid for by Eagle Forum of Wisconsin - Washington County Chapter to encourage citizen involvement and participation. * No filing requirements are needed since this publication does not endorse any candidate or position. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this questionnaire under the conditions of:

1. Contacting Ginny Maziarka or Donald Fagan at


2. Copying this publication in its entirety, crediting "Eagle Forum of Wisconsin/Washington County Chapter"

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*This questionnaire/blog is in no way connected with the West Bend School District, its employees, or any school board member.

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