Candidates respond to an informative survey prior to primary race for West Bend School Board.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Teacher benefits and pensions will knowingly stress the system finances.  What is your recommendation to deal with this in the near future?  in the long term?

MARQUARDT: Public employee costs are a huge and growing challenge. If concessions cannot be realized to slow the growth (in the new contract), staff reductions will be necessary. Wherever possible, services should be privatized to avoid legacy costs. Long-term, money must be set aside and invested to cover benefits already 

WILLIAMS: Review collective bargaining agreement to see what's possible. Repeal of qualifying economic offer (QEO) law poses challenges, but may allow creative solutions (e.g., link teachers' pay to student progress 
(pay performance). We need to eliminate redundant positions (e.g., dean of students at elementary schools, 
which are in addition to principals).

WEIGAND: Here are a few thoughts: Through negotiations we need to increase the age of retirement and work on reducing benefits, much like the current social security system does. We could reduce the amount of teachers by offering more virtual classes.

CORAZZI**: The Board and teachers union are currently in negotiations on a contract for the 2009-10 and 2010-11 school years. Appropriately, members are being asked for limited wage increases and to assume more responsibility for health care expenses.

VAN EERDEN**: Benefits and retirement benefits are a component of negotiations. Planning is under way to 
continue to examine alternatives to reduce the impact of these on the district budget.


RAKOWSKI: Benefits and pensions need to be budgeted and the cost per student should be documented for the public.  Teachers need to be part of the budget process.


Eagle Forum of Wisconsin/Washington County Chapter


This publication was paid for by Eagle Forum of Wisconsin - Washington County Chapter to encourage citizen involvement and participation. * No filing requirements are needed since this publication does not endorse any candidate or position. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this questionnaire under the conditions of:

1. Contacting Ginny Maziarka or Donald Fagan at


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*This questionnaire/blog is in no way connected with the West Bend School District, its employees, or any school board member.

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